Nabeul: Grape production estimated at 39,000 tonnes (CRDA)

Tunis: Grape production in the governorate of Nabeul is estimated, this year, at 39,000 tonnes including 25,000 tonnes of vines and 14,000 tonnes of table grapes, according to estimates from the Local Commission of Agricultural Development (CRDA). In Grombalia, a wine-growing town which contributes around 40% of the national production of vines, the production of wine grapes will amount during this season to 8,000 tonnes, in addition to 4,000 tonnes of table grapes, according to estimates from the CRDA, which however remain dependent on climate fluctuations. Speaking to TAP, President of the Local Agricultural Union in Grombalia, Chokri Bouziri, underlined the shrinkage of wine-growing areas in the Grombalia delegation, reduced by 10 to 15%, to reach only 800 hectares of table grape plantations and 1,600 hectares of vines, most of which are old, faded and low yielding. Wine growers in the region spoke of the various difficulties hampering their activities, referring to the increasing costs of production ca used mainly by the high cost of agricultural equipment and the lack of water. The governorate of Nabeul is the national pioneer in grape production, providing approximately 70% of vineyard production and 12% of table grapes. The region has around 3,000 wine growers, spread across the delegations of Grombalia, Bou Argoub, Korba and Takelsa. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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