Nabil Ammar meets Executive Director of African Union Development Agency

Tunis: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar met on Monday in Tunis with Executive Director of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), Ms Nardos Bekele Thomas, who is on a working visit to the country from March 23 to 27. The meeting focused in particular on the activities of AUDA-NEPAD and the projects it is implementing throughout the continent, as well as cooperation between the Agency and Tunisia and its prospects, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Minister stressed Tunisia's interest in strengthening joint and effective African action and further consolidating the institutions of the African Union, pointing to the important role played by AUDA-NEPAD, which is the AU's main lever for developing and implementing regional integration on the continent. In this regard, he underlined the important role of the Agency in mobilising resources for the benefit of Member States and African regional organisations for the implementation of development projects, the provision of advisory services and technical assistance to Member States. The Minister also reiterated Tunisia's commitment to strengthening its cooperation with the African Union Development Agency and its willingness to benefit from the various programmes and projects implemented by the Agency. He stressed the need to mobilise financial resources, especially non-conventional ones, in priority areas for Africa in order to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the African Development Agenda 2063, especially in the light of the international economic crisis, which is hampering the continent's development efforts. For her part, the Executive Director of the African Union Development Agency presented the main projects being implemented by the Agency on the continent and the initiatives it has launched in various fields. She praised Tunisia's support for its efforts and stressed the importance of mobilising the potential of the country, which has great experience in a number of areas, to implement development projects on the continent, accordng to the same source. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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