“Number of protests decreased in 2023” (FTDES)

Protests decreased to 3,432 in 2023 compared to 7,754 protests in 2022,» member of the Social Observatory at the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES) Rihab Mabrouki said. At a press conference, held, Tuesday, on the FTDES's annual report on protests, non-regulatory migration, suicide and violence, Mabrouki underlined that the governorate of Tunis ranked first in 2023 with 557 protests, followed by the governorate of Gafsa in the second position with 424 protests then the governorate of Sidi Bouzid with 259 movements. Mabrouki affirmed that these protests took place to demand the right to a decent life, employment, payment of salaries, quality education and improving healthcare services. «Despite the decrease in the number of protests in 2023, environmental protests reached 463 movements, which represents 13.5 % of the total protest,» she added. FTDES President Abderramène Hédhili pointed out «that protests declined in 2023 because Tunisian citizens grew disillusioned by the usefulness of demonstrations as well as politicians' failure to find effective solutions to Tunisia's economic and social problems.» The FTDES President reiterated that «the decline in the number of protests should not been as an achievement for the ruling power but rather a sign of a future social explosion." Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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