Plot against State security case: Nejib Chebbi kept at liberty

The investigating judge at the Judicial Counter-Terrorism Division decided on Friday to keep President of the National Salvation Front Nejib Chebbi at liberty after his hearing in the case known as the plot against State security, announced defence lawyer Sami Trigui.

The lawyer told TAP that chebbi «kept silent during his hearing. He contented himself with simple answers, the content of which was not revealed out of respect for the confidentiality of the investigation.»

During the hearing, the defence lawyers asked that the charges against Nejib Chebbi be dropped and that he be kept at liberty, he added.

On May 3, president of the local section of the Bar Association Laroussi Zguir said that he had received notice of launching a judicial investigation against lawyers Bochra Belhadj Hmida, Ayachi Hammami, Ahmed Nejib Chebbi and Noureddine Bhiri.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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