Pomegranate harvest down by 40 in Beja

The pomegranate harvest in the governorate of Beja this season is estimated at 10,000 tonnes, down 40% on recent years (16,000 tonnes), according to the Local Authority for Agricultural Development. Head of the agricultural outreach unit in Testour Kamel Laabidi told TAP that the drop in production is mainly due to the impact of global warming, in addition to the lack of rainfall in the recent months. He pointed out that a programme had been drawn up to assist producers in protecting production. The governorate of Beja ranks third at national level in terms of the area devoted to pomegranate cultivation (1,600 hectares) and is the second largest producer, with 90% of its volume produced in Testour.

Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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