President Saied receives invitation from Congolese counterpart to visit Brazzaville for consultations on Libya

President Kais Saied received an invitation from the President of the Republic of Congo and Chair of the African Union High-Level Committee on Libya, Dennis Sassou Nguesso, to visit Brazzaville on February 5 for consultations, particularly on Libya. The invitation was presented to the Head of State by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Francophonie and Congolese Abroad of the Republic of Congo, Jean-Claude Gakosso, during a meeting on Friday at the Carthage Palace, the presidency said in a statement. Speaking after the meeting, the minister was quoted in a video released by the presidency as saying "we are here in Tunisia because of burning issues affecting our African continent, including the Libyan file". He noted that Tunisia has played an important role since Libya found itself in such a tragic situation, by receiving refugees and arrivals for treatment and hosting international institutions such as the UN Special Envoy or some diplomatic missions. Gakosso stressed that 'the Libyan file is complex, but it is progressing little by little, and Africa always believes that reconciliation is the most important...' The African official said 'President Saied has provided us with proposals for sustainable and final solutions to this Libyan file.' According to a statement from the presidency, the meeting was an opportunity for the President of the Republic to reaffirm "Tunisia's pride in its African dimension and its commitment to developing relations, cooperation and solidarity with its brothers on the African continent, in a bilateral and multilateral framework". This is based on Tunisia's "deep conviction of the need to strengthen common awareness and develop collective action in order to put an end to conflicts and crises on the continent and build a better future for future generations," he added. The Head of State also took note of the efforts made at the level of the High Level Committee of the African Union, recalling in this context Tunisia's firm position on this issue, based on the need to reach an in ter-Libyan solution without external interference or pressure in order to protect the unity of this country and preserve its security and stability. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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