President’s supporters rally in Tunis against foreign interference [Upd 1]

Tunis: A large number of citizens staged a rally in front of the Municipal Theatre in Tunis, followed by a march along the Habib Bourguiba Avenue to support the choices and decisions of President of the Republic Kais Saied and call for no foreign interference in Tunisia's internal affairs. The participants, who came from Tunis and its suburbs and from a number of regions of the Republic, raised slogans such as "the people want Kais again," "the people want national sovereignty," "yes to accountability, no to foreign interference," "we are all one hand with the President to combat corruption and terrorism," "no to foreign interference in our internal affairs," and "support the leadership and assert sovereignty." The participants in the march headed to the French Embassy on the Habib Bourguiba Avenue, raising a large national flag and chanting slogans such as "In the spirit of blood we support you, flag" and "Tunisia is free, free, and the traitor out." Abdessalem Hamrouni, deputy for Beni Khedache, Medenine governorate told TAP that this support movement was organised to defend and preserve national sovereignty, especially after the recent positions expressed by France and some European countries. "Tunisia can give lessons and does not have to receive them, and this has been proven throughout history," he said. 'This spontaneous popular movement is aimed at preserving national sovereignty, which is considered a red line," stressed Fethi Azzabi, president of the local council of the Bembla delegation (Monastir governorate). He added: "We support all the measures taken by the President of the Republic, Kais Saied, to combat corruption and lobbying. In the same context, MP for the governorate of Kasserine, Abdelaziz Chaabani, said the participation of all social groups in this march illustrates the determination to fully adhere to the completion of the July 25 process and to break all the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving its objectives, noting that these obstacles are mainly "foreign interference" a nd "internal betrayal". Yosri Mezzati, President of the Tunisian Organisation for the Defence of the Rights of the Disabled, said that this rally was organised "in support of the national flag" and the efforts of all social groups to build a new, free and democratic Tunisia that guarantees the integration of all vulnerable categories into society. For his part, Secretary General of the Movement for National Struggle, Badr Smaoui, stressed in a statement to TAP that his party was taking part in today's demonstration, which he described as 'popular', in order to 'continue the struggle for national liberation in the face of external threats that have increased in recent times'. He added that 'there can be no democracy without national sovereignty, and foreign parties must stay out of internal conflicts," stressing that these countries, which claim to defend the values of democracy and human rights, have supported the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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