Rally in Habib Bourguiba Square in memory of Palestinian land

Tunis: Rallying together in emotion, hope and concern, hundreds of protesters from all walks of life on Saturday evening flocked to the Habib Bourguiba square in Tunis, the epicentre of the 2011 Tunisian revolution. The cause was a tactless, unadorned rally to commemorate Land Day, the Palestinian Land, an event observed on March 30 each year. The commemoration of this year, 2024, comes at a time when humanity as a whole is witnessing every day a rolling genocidal tragedy that has befallen the Palestinian people in Gaza in an era that has never been seen, done or heard of before. A commemoration steeped in the blood of a people who seem condemned to live and survive a mortifying fate, the contours of which they have been spared since well before the 67 words of the Belfort Declaration of 1917. Amid this mixed landscape, where theories of "no man's land" continue to dot the international chessboard, the Palestinian Land has always been present and omnipresent, the very focus of a conflict that is often in turmoil. Deeply aware of the issues at stake and the major challenges they face, the protesters were determined to brandish bold slogans that went straight to the heart of the matter. No to the thundering silence over the barbarity of the Zionist entity in Gaza; No to the relentless attempts to normalise relations with the Zionist entity; No to the French ambassador in Tunis, whose country has constantly demonstrated its "duplicity" with regard to Arab causes, they loudly shouted. They also called for a "boycott strategy" that transcends the logic of "crumbs" and solutions sprinkled with illusions and pretences" to turn the boycott into a powerful weapon against the Zionist project in the region. An initiative of the National Committee in Support of the Resistance in Palestine, the rally sends a strong signal to fellow Palestinians, the people and the resistance, that they are not alone, and that Tunisians of all stripes and persuasions stand shoulder to shoulder with them and share their pain, suffering and setbacks. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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