Regional Employment Days: 2,700 confirmed job opportunities in tourism

There is a total of 2,700 confirmed job opportunities in a number of governorates, the Tourism and Handicrafts, and Vocational Training and Employment ministries said, ahead of the regional employment days in the tourism sector in Hammamet (May 23), Monastir (May 23), Sousse (May 24) and Djerba (May 27). Confirmed job opportunities are available in the governorates of Nabeul, Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia and Medenine such specialities such as reception, administrative functions, cooking, horticulture, pastry-making, catering, maintenance, childcare, cleaning, etc, reads a joint press release. The National Agency for Employment and Self-employment (French: ANETI) is organising, in partnership with regional hotel federations and the Swiss Contact organisation, regional employment days in Nabeul, Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia and Medenine so as to meet the tourism industry's needs in skilled labour. The event also aims to help job-seekers gain access to available jobs and have one-to-one job interviews with business owners. Owners of tourism facilities expressed willingness to provide around 10,800 jobs, according to a survey carried out on March 15-April 15. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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