RNE submits to Prime Ministry legislative initiative to dissolve dormant companies

Tunis: The National Business Register (RNE) has submitted to the Prime Ministry a legislative initiative enabling it to take the necessary administrative measures against dozens of dormant companies that have not been dissolved and can be used for money laundering and terrorist financing, according to the centre's director general, Adel Chouari. The aim of this initiative is to enable the RNE to intervene and take administrative measures using legal mechanisms, he explained in an interview with TAP TV. The official explained that these companies are considered dormant because their owners have not managed to dissolve them amicably or by court order because of a dispute, and have chosen to leave them on standby or set up other companies. As part of its role in the fight against terrorism and money laundering, the RNE is working to bring this phenomenon under control by amending the statutes of the register to encourage administrative intervention once the measures have been completed, a solution already use d internationally. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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