Scientific day recommends revision of legal framework governing phosphogypsum as a non-hazardous substance

Participants in a scientific day on phosphogypsum recovery, under the theme: "Mechanical behaviour of unfired phospohogypsum bricks used as a building material," organised on Thursday in Gafsa, recommended revising the Tunisian legal framework governing this substance by removing it from the list of hazardous substances and considering it to be a productive substance. During this scientific day, jointly organised by the Ministries of Industry, Energy and Mines, the Environment and of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in collaboration with university researchers and various economic players, and with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the British Embassy in Tunis, the participants emphasised the need to raise awareness among all stakeholders about the need to recover phosphogypsum and initiate its exploitation in a number of fields. These recommendations follow on from the conclusions reached by a scientific committee formed with the participation of all t he stakeholders in this field, which revealed that scientific, industrial and laboratory experience in Tunisia has demonstrated the possibility of adding value to phosphogypsum in many fields, especially in the agriculture, industry, construction materials and road infrastructure sectors, showing the promising prospects, in particular the economic and environmental value of this substance. The Committee also pointed out that the proportion of heavy metals and radioactive elements contained in Tunisian phosphogypses is relatively low, based on the criteria and risk limits set by current international legislation and those adopted by scientific research. Tunisia is the only country to have classified phosphogypses as a hazardous substance, unlike other countries. The scientific day offered an opportunity to devise a participatory approach, in coordination with researchers, academics and the relevant ministries and structures, for the classification of phosphogypses, with the possibility of using them for dev elopment purposes while preserving the environment. The event further examined the subject of phosphogypsum with professionals in the legal and technical fields, in order to learn about worldwide experience and the management of this substance and its use in many countries. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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