Secretary of State to Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in high-level conference of European Migration Network in Madrid

Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Mounir Ben Rejiba, Thursday, travelled to Madrid to participate in the high-level conference of the European Migration Network (EMN), on the theme of «Shaping the future of EU legal migration: Where are we and Where do we want to go?,» within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Taking the floor, the Secretary of State stressed the need to address of the phenomenon of transnational migration through consensual policies, more particularly under a comprehensive approach that takes into account the root causes of this phenomenon and gives priority to development, circular migration and seasonal work. He also stressed the need to increase efforts to overcome this challenge by consolidating the legal migration policy, reads a statement of the Foreign Affairs Ministry on Friday evening. During the visit, Ben Rejiba met with State Secretary for Foreign and Global Affairs Ángeles Moreno B au during which they expressed will to boost bilateral cooperation, increase consultations and address regional and international issues of common concern, namely the situation in Gaza and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. Ben Rejiba also had a meeting with Secretary of State of the Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration Isabel Castro Fernandez. They discussed opportunities offered by legal migration, in reference to the ongoing talks to sign a memorandum of understanding on migration between Tunisia and Spain. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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