Several shortcomings in teaching ethics in higher education institutions in Tunisia (Globethics) [Upd 1]

A survey conducted by the Geneva-based Globethics Foundation MENA Centre Tunisia put spotlight on "several shortcomings in teaching ethics in higher education institutions in Tunisia," said Regional Manager Kamel Ayadi. Ayadi Wednesday told a study day in Tunis on the theme:" the Place of Ethics in Higher Education in Tunisia" there is a non-institutionalisation of the teaching of ethics in public and private higher education institutions, in addition to the lack of a specialised educational setting and regulatory mechanisms to deal with unethical behaviours. The survey targeted 303 institutions, 15% of which in the private sector. Ayadi outlined issues in relation to ethics in these institutions. 68% of Tunisian universities lack a specialised framework and 40% do not teach ethics. Findings also show 30% of polled university presidents said they take interest in this topic, while 70% admitted they do not take sufficient interest in ethics. Cheating is the most widespread unethical behaviour in Tunisian h igher education institutions with a rate hitting 53 %, followed by plagiarism (48 %), favouritism (27 %), harassment (20 %) and conflicts of interest (14 %). The report of the survey shows 31% of directors of higher education institutions admit there are no mechanisms to report breaches and unethical practices. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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