Sfax-Training-Bosch: First cohort of industrial maintenance technicians

SFAX: A ceremony was held on Friday at the Bach Hamba training and apprenticeship centre in Sfax to award industrial maintenance technician certificates to a group of 31 trainees who have benefited from training designed by the global Bosch group. This is the first class of technicians to undergo this specialised training since February 2022 in the region, each receiving a professional certificate from the industrial giant Bosch. It will enable them to enter the national and international job market, in addition to the diploma issued by the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training. The centre's director, Mohamed Abdelmoula, told TAP this training is part of a Tunisian-German cooperation project, adding that 300 young people are currently receiving training in industrial maintenance at the centre. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Employment, the Tunisian Vocational Training Agency, the Bosch group and a team from the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), which i s visiting the Bach Hamba centre as part of a drive to strengthen the exchange of trainers and training programmes. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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