Simplified IT platforms sine qua non condition for digitising administrative services (ITCEQ)

Tunis: The simplification of IT platforms and doing away with the need to move about to seek services are the main challenges to be addressed when digitising administrative services, reads a report published by the Tunisian Institute of Competitiveness and Quantitative Studies (French: ITCEQ) on "Digitalisation of Administrative Services in Tunisia: International Ranking and Perception of Business Leaders." Improving data security and the quality of IT networks are also necessary to make progress towards digitisation, the ITCEQ said. In its report published in January 2024, the ITCEQ said a successful digitalisation requires the adoption of a "comprehensive approach" which covers not only technical aspects in relation to the interoperability of different information systems but also actions to make online services mandatory and keep on simplifying administrative procedures. There is also need to improve access to electronic certification in an inclusive manner, in which the National Agency for Electronic A ccreditation (French: ANCE) and Delegated Registration Authorities play a key role. The digitalisation of administrative services is considered to be the key tool to address corruption. Business leaders view the consolidation of online services and the improvement of their quality as main actions that the government should undertake to restore investor confidence, the ITCEQ pointed out. Results of ITCEQ's 22nd survey on business climate and competitiveness released in April 2023 show the satisfaction rate of companies about services provided ranges between 73% and 91%. The three services that were met with the highest levels of satisfaction in 2022 were banking and postal services, online tax filing and those offered by the National Business Register. For companies that had not used e-services despite being aware of them, the results revealed that the main reason for that is "the absence of any need," followed by "trust and data security issues," especially for banking and post services as well as bill p ayments (Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company-STEG, National Water Distribution Company -SONEDE). Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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