Some TND 800 thousand allocated to rehabilitation actions in Karkar, Mahdia (ARRU)

A budget of some TND 800 thousand had been allocated to rehabilitation work in the town of Karkar (Governorate of Mahdia), as part of the 1st generation of the Programme for the Rehabilitation and Integration of Residential Areas (PRIQH1) implemented by the Urban Rehabilitation and Renovation Agency (ARRU), said Secretary-General of the municipality of Karkar Adel Akremi told TAP. This region had been fitted out with a multi-disciplinary sports hall, which welcomes more than 750 people every week, thereby helping to revitalise the town thanks to the various sporting activities on offer to its residents. The official called in this connection, the ARRU to provide Karkar with new projects, given that it covers several districts and urban areas. Deputy director of the sports hall Fethi Ghrisi pointed out for his part, the value of this sports facility, which offers young people the opportunity to receive coaching and develop their talents while protecting them from the dangers threatening them. However, he underlined a number of problems, including the lack of sports facilities within the sports hall, which he considered to be an obstacle to integrating new sports disciplines and attracting more citizens. A fully exportable textile factory was also constructed at Karkar as part of the rehabilitation programme, at a cost of TND 1,1 million. "This factory, which employs some 150 workers, is playing an effective role in boosting economic activity in the region, and in creating new jobs for the region's inhabitants," said head of human resources at the factory Hanen Arabi. the 1st generation of the Programme for the Rehabilitation and Integration of Residential Areas seeks to upgrade road infrastructure, sewerage networks and public lighting and to build sports and recreational facilities. Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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