STAR Ghana Foundation outdoors strategy to promote local philanthropy

The STAR Ghana Foundation (SGF), a Non-governmental Organisation (NGO), that works towards promoting active citizens for change, has initiated a strategy to promote local philanthropy to contribute to transformational national development. The local philanthropy strategy by STAR Ghana Foundation is a five-year medium-term plan that is hinged on four pillars; namely, promoting local philanthropy, infrastructure for local philanthropy, partnership and coordination and establishing an ecosystem to enhance capacity building. It aims at increasing coordination among philanthropic actors to leverage actions for development of local philanthropy for greater impact by creating an enabling platform where local people could share their resources for a common good. At a validation workshop in Bolgatanga to present the strategy to various NGOs, Ms Eunice Agbenyadzi, the Head of Programmes, SGF, said there were limited formal strategies on local philanthropy to whip the interest of local philanthropists to contribute to national development. She observed that the inability of NGOs to attract local philanthropic donations resulted in their heavy reliance on international donors and if those benefactors changed focus, they were stranded, hence the need to set up mechanisms to also mobilise funds locally. She added that SGF as the national centre for active citizenship and philanthropy was committed to building an inclusive access to high quality and accountable public services for all Ghanaian citizens. Mr Alhassan Issahaku, the Chief Director of the Northern Regional Coordinating Council, indicated that local philanthropy played a vital role in achieving a well informed and vibrant social activism and it was important NGOs took interest in promoting the strategy. He emphasised that the sustainability of the local philanthropy strategy was essential to finding local solutions that could help enhance development and reduce NGOs over dependence on international donors and called on the NGOs to strategize towards sustainability. Ms Yakubu Hamdiatu, a participant and communication officer for Youth Empowerment for Life (YEFL) Ghana, said the strategy laid by SGF would help guide philanthropic activities in the country. She said because this was going to be a valid document to be used in the philanthropic space in Ghana and being part of it meant that whatever contributions were made might be taken into consideration to shape the philanthropic space to enhance the expected development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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