Tabboubi: “Threats, prisons will not dissuade labour union from continuing to defend rights of workers”

Threats and prisons will not dissuade the labour union from continuing to defend the rights of workers," said SG of the Tunisian General Labour Union (French: UGTT) Noureddine Taboubbi. The UGTT will not be silent when trade union right and civil rights are abused, Tabboubi Saturday told a worker rally outside the seat of the Prime Ministry to demand the launch of social dialogue, the respect of trade union rights and the implementation of agreements signed with the government. "Trade union rights were violated in the recent months as several union members were jailed and prosecuted,'' Tabboubi said, citing some names. All these threats will not deter the labour union from forging ahead with its battle to champion the cause of workers and the country. Tunisia, he further said, is at a crossroads that call for wisdom. Trade union rights are enshrined in the constitution and their respect is a sign of democracy. The union is utterly opposed to practices aimed to curb trade union rights, Tabboubi added. Som e union members appeared recently before the disciplinary board in infringement of Article 74 of Tunisia's charter and international treaties ratified by the country. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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