TAP news agency inaugurates new TV studio

The TV studio of TAP News Agency (TAP TV) was inaugurated on Thursday, in the presence of Turkish Ambassador Çaglar Fahri Çakiralp, Vice-President of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) Rahman Nurdun, TAP CEO Najeh Missaoui, and TIKA coordinator in Tunisia Ali Fuat Cebeci.

The studio, located at the headquarters of TAP, was established in collaboration with TIKA and consists of three units: an editing hall, a control room, and a broadcasting studio.

Production will be central and local, as the Turkish donation included mobile devices to promote mobile journalism.

The Turkish Ambassador emphasised the importance of this studio for the news agency, anticipating its contribution of valuable information to the public, given the significance of media. He expressed hope for continued future bilateral cooperation.

He affirmed the commitment to strengthen relations through the implementation of future projects, citing Turkey’s support for Tunisia during the COVID-19 pandemic and Tunisia’s supp
ort for Turkey following the earthquake in February 2023.

The VP of TIKA, on his part, praised the inauguration of this project funded by TIKA, stating that since 2012, TIKA has established its offices in various African and Arab countries, including Tunisia. He pointed out that more than 200 projects have been carried out in Tunisia out of 30,000 projects worldwide through over 60 coordination offices globally.

The ceremony involved a photo exhibition, featuring images depicting the country’s historical milestones, in addition to a visit to the archive headquarters housing 1.5 million photos.

The event was attended by representatives from the Prime Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration, and Tunisians Abroad.

The CEO of the National Television and the Director-General of the African Centre for the Development of Journalists and Communicators (CAPJC), along with representatives from Arab and international news agencies were also present.

The studio was set up in 6 months in terms of prep
aration and equipment with lighting, decoration and audiovisual effects using high precision techniques.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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