“Time calls for action, work, and achievements,” PM Hachani tells Parliament

Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani on Friday reiterated to MPs his determination to work "in harmony with the government" and reaffirmed his commitment to "implementing the State's general public policies" in line with the guidelines laid down by the President of the Republic and in keeping with the principles of the July 2022 Constitution. Ahmed Hachani opened the parliamentary debate on the draft 2024 budget at the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) with the reading of the government's budget declaration. "The most important thing today is action, work and concrete achievements," he said, adding that "it is crucial that we continue to work hard to improve the quality of life for our citizens." We have lost far too much time over the last ten years, a decade marred by attempts to "destabilise the country," he indicated. Tunisia will remain strong, powerful and united, he stated, voicing conviction that the country will regain "the path to success." Besides, the PM pointed out that some people believe that there is a "crisis" in Tunisia and that "the State is on the verge of bankruptcy." Admittedly, he said, Tunisia is going through a particular situation, but the country has already faced major difficulties, such as the 1985 crisis, and had managed to get through it. Hachani considered that Tunisia is currently confronted with "major challenges" and that its economy is struggling to get up to speed. This is largely due, he explained, to the succession of crises and conflicts on a global scale, which have led to rising prices for fuel and basic foodstuffs, and to climate change and water stress and their impact on the agricultural sector and the economy. He affirmed conviction that Tunisia is capable of ironing out all the difficulties it is facing. Tunisia has proved its resilience thanks to the political stability established since July 2021, and the concerted efforts of State institutions, social partners and economic players, he pointed out. Hachani affirmed that the government will continue its e fforts on the path of political, economic and social reforms, in coordination with the President of the Republic, in a united State working to restore citizens' confidence and create a positive working culture. The Prime Minister congratulated his predecessor Najla Bouden for her efforts during her term in office. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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