Tunisia and Cameroon sign several bilateral cooperation agreements at end of Joint Commission meeting in Yaoundé

Tunis: The Tunisian-Cameroonian joint commission session culminated in the signing of a series of bilateral cooperation agreements in the fields of housing, education and culture, as well as an agreement on mutual visa exemption for holders of special and diplomatic passports, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad. Minister Nabil Ammar together with his Cameroonian counterpart, Mbella Mbella, chaired the closing meeting of the 11th session in Yaoundé on Saturday. In his remarks on the occasion, the Minister stressed the importance of following up on the results of this meeting and activating the decisions taken. In this context, the Minister underlined the importance of holding this diplomatic event eight years after the 10th session of the Tunisian-Cameroonian Joint Commission, in response to the desire of the two countries' leaders to boost the momentum of bilateral cooperation. He reiterated his sincere thanks and gratitude to the Cameroonian auth orities for the hospitality and warm welcome received by the Tunisian delegation since its arrival in Cameroon. "This reflects the quality of fraternal relations and the historic friendship that unites the peoples of the two brotherly countries," he said. "Tunisia, in line with its historical openness to others, welcomes all African brothers who travel there for study, health, tourism or investment purposes, taking into account and respecting Tunisian legislation on residence," Foreign Minister Nabil Ammar was quoted as saying in the same statement. For his part, the Cameroonian Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his pleasure at the participation of an important and high-level delegation from the Tunisian government in the work of this commission, in addition to the participation of the President of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts. The Cameroonian side hosted a dinner in honour of Minister Ammar and the delegation accompanying him, on the instructions of the President of th e Republic of Cameroon Paul Biya, according to the ministry statement. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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