Tunisia calls for strengthening and diversifying partnership between Africa and the BRICS (Foreign Minister)

Tunisia, which has always sought to build a fairer and more equitable world, naturally calls for strengthening and diversifying the partnership and cooperation between the African continent and the "BRICS", said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar.

In a speech delivered on Thursday at the 15th summit of the BRICS countries in Johannesburg, South Africa, Ammar stressed the importance of coordinating programmes and mutual respect between all partners.

Nabil Ammar added that this group can play a key role in reforming the current global economic and financial system so that it truly serves all humanity everywhere, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He pointed out that "the current unprecedented challenges facing our world today require us to develop new ideas and innovative mechanisms for cooperation that are participatory, permanent and renewable". This can be done "after drawing all the lessons from the lack of vision in previous policies, actions and experiences, which have caused several grievances", he added.

In this context, he said, it is necessary to adopt differentiated policies and mechanisms to improve the level of exchanges and adjust deficits and imbalances, which could become permanent for a number of countries in the group.

He added that Tunisia calls for a further intensification of investments by the BRICS countries in Africa as the real engine of real development and sustainable security on the continent.

The human dimension should be given its due place in cooperation projects by prioritising training and capacity-building in accordance with the real needs of African countries, he added.

In his speech, the Foreign Minister noted that "empowering young people and women in the field of entrepreneurship will indeed consolidate solidarity between our peoples and open up new opportunities for young people. "

He also mentioned, in relation to climate change, that the BRICS countries have advanced technologies from which the African continent can benefit, particularly in the development of solar energy applications.

On another level, Nabil Amar underlined that the major and multiple challenges posed by the explosion of the phenomenon of human trafficking and irregular migration and the resulting suffering, which is exploited in an unacceptable and irresponsible manner in the political and media arena, require a collective and coordinated response. This should be based on responsibility, solidarity, dialogue and respect for the rights of all concerned, he stressed.

The Foreign Minister also reiterated Tunisia's commitment to responsible and participatory multilateral cooperation, based on dialogue and humanitarian needs, in order to achieve shared prosperity, stability and lasting peace for all.

He urged strengthening and institutionalising the dialogue between the African Union and the BRICS group as an additional mechanism for crisis prevention and resolution.

He stressed the importance of "urgently addressing the basic needs of a number of our countries".

Nabil Ammar also expressed the hope that "this summit will be a new opportunity to mobilise all our energies to serve all humanity without exclusion and to serve our world".

The Minister said that this Summit comes at a time when «our continent is embarking on a path of economic integration, as evidenced by the establishment of the African Free Trade Area, and when there is a growing real political awareness of the need to change international relations in order to create a better world for all.»

The Foreign Minister conveyed President Kais Saied's congratulations to the countries that have become new members of BRICS, namely Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina and Ethiopia.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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