Tunisia expresses its full and unconditional support for Palestinian people

Tunisia expressed its full and unconditional support for the Palestinian people, recalling that what some media refer to as the "Gaza Envelope" is a Palestinian land that has been under Zionist occupation for decades. "The Palestinian people have the right to reclaim it and regain all the land of Palestine and establish their independent state on it with Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the first Qibla and the third Holy Shrine.» as its capital." In a statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic, Tunisia also called on all living consciences in the world to stand by the Palestinian people and to remember the massacres perpetrated by the Zionist enemy against the Arab people of Palestine and indeed against the entire nation. It stressed that "the whole world should not forget the enemy's massacres in al-Dawayima, Balad al-Sheikh, Deir Yassin, Kafr Qasim, Khan Yunis, Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Ibrahimi Mosque and others, and the hundreds of thousands of those who were driven from their homes and robbed of their lands. It should also recognise the right of legitimate resistance against the occupation and not consider this resistance as aggression or escalation". Tunisia also called on the international community to assume its historical responsibility to put an end to the brutal occupation of all of Palestine and to stop the Zionist occupation forces from continuing to violate the rights of the Palestinian people in total disregard of all religious doctrines and human values.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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