Tunisia reaffirms right of Palestinians to establish their independent and sovereign StateOver 600 file nominations for District and Unit Committee Elections in BER

On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, observed on November 29 of each year, Tunisia calls for the immediate ceasefire and swift delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need in Gaza and Palestine in general, without conditions or obstacles. Tunisia further calls for providing international protection to Palestinian civilians in comformity with the UN resolutions, ending the unjust siege of Palestine in particular the Gaza Strip, stopping the various forms of collective punishment imposed on Palestinians and providing protection and support to relief teams and humanitarian organisations active on the field, reads a foreign Ministry press release on Wednesday. Tunisia, along with the wider international community, is observing this day amid a situation on the ground characterised by extreme danger and crisis due to the Zionist entity's ongoing brutal aggression against the occupied Palestinian territories and defenseless civilians, in total disregard of all inter national conventions and universal values, with no accountability whatsoever. Tunisia considers that "what Palestine and the Gaza Strip in particular have been enduring for nearly two months of brutal aggression and horrific, cold-blooded attacks against children, women, the elderly and the sick, in full view of the entire world, is a disgrace to the entire humanity, given the failure of many international sides to shoulder their political, legal and moral responsibilities to immediately stop this barbaric aggression and hold the occupying entity accountable for the systematic war crimes and genocide targeting defenseless civilians in residential neighbourhoods, hospitals, refugee camps and facilities of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)." Tunisia, which fully stands by the Palestinian people, further denounces the grave violations of international humanitarian law, in light of suspicious international silence in exchange for an unprecedented human awareness of the rights of Palestinians, and calls on the international community to assume its full responsibility regarding the situation in Palestine from the standpoint of dealing with all issues of occupation and aggression with the same criteria and standards. Tunisia further reiterates its outright rejection of all forms and attempts of eviction and forced displacement of Palestinians, measures aimed at changing the demographic composition, nature and status of the occupied Palestinian territory, and desperate attempts to windup the just Palestinian cause. "We are convinced that achieving security and stability in the region are contingent on ending the occupation of all Palestinian territories and the rest of the occupied Arab territories, and reaching a just, comprehensive and long-standing solution to restore the confiscated rights of the Palestinian people for an independent State with Al-Quds as its capital." Tunisia calls on the international community to draw lessons from distant and recent h istory and from past and present tragedies to bring a qualitative shift to international efforts, including at the Security Council level, so as to end colonialism and empower the Palestinian people, without further delay, with all their legitimate and internationally recognised rights. There is also need to replace traditional approaches in dealing with the Palestinian issue and useless agendas by adopting a new approach based on wisdom, foresight and the upholding of rights, values and principles of international law, including international humanitarian law, for the sake of peace and stability in the region. Tunisia, which stands for justice and peace, will remain steadfast in its support in principle for just causes, first and foremost the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, freedom and independence. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse A total of 653 people have filed nominations to contest in this year's District Assembly and Unit Committee member elections in the Techiman South and North areas of the Bono East Region. Nominations filed in the District Assemblymember positions stand at 88, while 302 have filed for the Unit Committee level elections in the Techiman South Municipality, about 63 persons filed for the District Assembly membership and 200 for the Unit Committee level elections for Techiman North area. Mr. William Bamfo-Apori, Techiman South Municipal Elections Officer disclosed this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Techiman on Wednesday towards the preparation of the upcoming Assembly elections in the Area. He told the GNA that the elections have been scheduled to take place on December 19, 2023, and stated that the Electoral Commission was committed to ensuring a free and fair election would be conducted to promote and maintain the existing peace in the area. Mr. Bamfo-Apori anticipated that there would be peace during and after the elections since peace was the ultimate for development. He charged the contestants to desist from political controversies which could cause conflicts and violence in a community. The Elections Officer urged contestants to engage the community members with developmental ideas to ensure effective participation in the decision-making process of their respective communities. The GNA observation showed that most of the people contesting were young people who had decided to take the mantle from the elderly people. Mr. Joseph Adoma, Techiman Municipal Director for the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) expressed joy about the development of the youth and that the NCCE would continue to engage the youth to know the importance of participating in community development and called for unity among community members in the area. Source: Ghana News Agency

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