Tunisia to host 2nd Sustainable Tourism Summit June 5-6 (WWF Tunisia)

The second Sustainable Tourism Summit will be held in Tunis on June 5 and 6, 2023.

The event is organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature North Africa (WWF NA) in collaboration with the partners of the "RESTART MED!" project, an initiative aimed at revitalising sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean regions.

The main objective of the summit is to strengthen the positioning of Mediterranean countries as sustainable tourism destinations that are resilient to climate change. This means protecting the environment, preserving biodiversity and guaranteeing a competitive tourism offer on the global market, according to WWF Tunisia.

The summit will focus on the environmental aspects of this theme, highlighting the links with national and regional strategies and promoting new business opportunities for sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean. The central theme of the Summit is the development of sustainable and resilient tourism in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean, which remains a region particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels, forest fires, floods, extreme weather events and dwindling water resources. These consequences directly threaten the natural and cultural wealth of the Mediterranean, which is often a major attraction for sustainable tourism.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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