UNESCO launches communication strategy on integration of persons with disabilities in Tunisia

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), in partnership with the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT), the High Independent Audiovisual Commission (HAICA), the "Ibsar" association and the Press and Information Science Institute (IPSI), has launched a new communication strategy on the integration of people with disabilities to improve access to rights and services.

This strategy includes the development of a guide, the first of its kind in Tunisia, which is a scientific and reference framework to help journalists and communicators deal with issues related to disability and access to information, said Armin Ibrisimovic, UNESCO Maghreb, Social and Human Sciences Head

Speaking at a seminar on sign language translation in Tunis on Friday, he said that persons with disabilities face many challenges in accessing information, and stressed the importance of defending their rights and their choice of media.

For her part, Raja Ben Brahim, Director General for the Promotion of Persons with Disabilities at the Ministry of Social Affairs, stressed the need to facilitate access to information for the disabled through the press and media.

For his part, Mohamed Mansouri, President of the Ibsar Association, pointed out that legislation on persons with disabilities have not been implemented in Tunisia, adding that the new guide would help to better address disability issues and access to information.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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