UTT urges government to address soaring prices

Secretary General of the Union of Tunisian Workers (UTT), Ismail Sahbani, called on the government to assume its responsibilities in addressing soaring prices and deteriorating purchasing power of citizens. Speaking at the opening of the 3rd National Congress of UTT held in Hammamet on Saturday, he said that union is concerned with the country's internal affairs apart from its trade union role and is committed to preserving the interests of workers and national achievements. He added that this congress which includes 3 sections (social, economic and political) will lead to a number of recommendations illustrating its positions and its action plan for the next stage. Sahbani called on the government to fully assume its responsibilities so as to maintain the market balance, increase wages and deal with "lobbies exerting pressures on the economic sector that are behind the deterioration of citizens' purchasing power." «This congress will make it possible to evaluate the previous stages, prospect the future of the UTT and determine its position regarding the upcoming political events, particularly the 2024 presidential elections,» he pointed out. The UTT Secretary General reiterated his call on the government and the Presidency of the Republic to assume their responsibilities in reforming the economic sector. He stressed the need to pay particular attention to the region of Gafsa and to the mining basin so as to solve the problems facing the production of phosphate.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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