Working session focuses on cooperation between Tunisia and Denmark in migration

Tunis: Cooperation between Tunisia and the Kingdom of Denmark in the field of migration was the focus of a working session held on Thursday between the Director General of the National Observatory for Migration and a delegation from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Director General of the Observatory recalled the many opportunities for cooperation between Tunisia and the Kingdom of Denmark and expressed his desire to develop and strengthen them and exchange expertise in the field of migration, the Observatory said in a statement. He also praised Denmark's contribution to the financing of the Joint Training Centre for Integrated Border Management in Nata, which provides exemplary training courses for members of the three security services (National Security, National Guard and Customs) in the field of integrated border management and combating cross-border crime and smuggling networks. He also commended the role played by the Danish Refugee Council in Tunisia since 2012 in supporting Tunisia's ef forts to protect, assist and care for refugees and asylum seekers. The Director General of the Observatory reiterated Tunisia's commitment and readiness to contribute to all efforts aimed at strengthening joint action to achieve the goals of the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration and economic integration, in line with the UN 2030 Agenda. For their part, the members of the Danish delegation expressed their country's readiness to support Tunisia in several areas related to migration and its management. They praised Tunisia's experience in the field of statistics and in addressing the root causes of migration. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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