6th International Microlight Rally resumes after 4-day break due to two aircraft crash

The 6th International Microlight Rally resumed its activities on Wednesday from the Tozeur-Nefta international airport towards Zarzis, to round off the remaining stages of the race with the participation of 24 pilots from several countries, said President of the Tunisian Federation for Aerial Sports and associated activities Maher Attar. The rally had been suspended for four days since last Saturday, following the crash of two light aircraft in which two French competitors died and two others sustained minor injuries. The participating aircraft had taken off from the Tozeur-Nefta international airport on Wednesday for a leg from Tozeur to Zarzis, before continuing from Zarzis to Kerkennah, then from Siliana to Zaghouan to conclude this international event, aimed at promoting aerial sports in Tunisia and encouraging people to discover the country, Attar told TAP. The latter had previously stated that the rally had not suffered any organisational failures, as it had been granted the necessary authorisations by the Ministries of Transport, National Defence, the Interior and Youth and Sport, and had ensured that the aircraft were serviced daily before the flight.

Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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