Joint ministerial working session focuses on supply chemical fertilisers for smooth agricultural season 2024-2025

Tunis: Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, Fatma Chiboub, Minister of Trade and Export Development, Kalthuom Ben Rejeb, and Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Abdel MonĂȘem BelSati, stressed at a joint ministerial working meeting the need to supply the necessary quantities of various types of fertiliser according to a predetermined timetable which takes account of the specific nature of each season. The ministers present at the meeting, held on Monday at the headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, emphasised the importance of speeding up the implementation of the integrated computer application to digitise and control the distribution channels for these products, with the aim of monitoring the supply of this material and combating the phenomena of monopolies and price manipulation. The aim is to safeguard farmers' interests and support production systems, especially in light of the challenges imposed by climate change. According to a press release from the Ministry of Industry, th e participants stressed the need to overcome all the difficulties and shortcomings that are paralysing the implementation of these measures. They also urged enhanced coordination and joint action to make the agricultural campaign a success in order to contribute to achieving food security in accordance with the policies established for this purpose. The Ministry of Industry indicated that the work of the technical teams began Tuesday, with the implementation of the decisions taken at the joint ministerial meeting and the development of practical procedures according to the timetable in order to ensure the supply of chemical fertilisers for agricultural use and the organisation of their distribution channels. The Ministry of Industry explained that this meeting, which was attended by the Managing Director of the Tunisian Chemical Group (GCT), Hedi Youssef, focused on the final preparations and procedures relating to the smooth running of the 2024-2025 agricultural campaign through the supply of chemical fer tilisers for agricultural use and the organisation of their distribution channels. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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