Homosexuality or polygamy?: The Prime Minister invites us to take into account the socio-cultural specificities of Burkina Faso

The Burkinabè Prime Minister, Dr Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, called for taking into account the socio-cultural specificities of Burkina Faso, including the issues of polygamy and homosexuality. 'In many Western countries, homosexuality is legalized, but they condemn polygamy. Is this freedom? Between polygamy and homosexuality, which has more human value (in the Burkinabe context, editor's note)? Polygamy has always existed in history,' Burkina Faso Prime Minister Dr Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla asked on Thursday. According to him, democracy and freedom must be defined in a specific societal framework, according to local realities, and not according to imported concepts. He was speaking during an ordinary session of the National Council for the Modernization of Public Administration and Good Governance (CN-MABG). The head of government called for thoughtful modernization, anchored in the socio-cultural specificities of Burkina Faso. Source: Burkina Information Agency

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