Election 2024: Local government staff reminded of neutrality

Alhaji Dr Hafiz Bin Salih, the Upper East Regional Minister, has reminded local government staff across the 15 Municipal and District Assemblies (MDAs) in the Region to remain neutral and impartial. 'This is particularly crucial in this electioneering period. It is imperative that you remain politically neutral in your roles not to fall foul of the law. 'We will crack the whip on any staff who openly or secretly involves in partisanship. No matter what the political party is,' he cautioned. Alhaji Dr Salih said this when he addressed management and staff of the Builsa North Municipal Assembly in Sandema on the first day of his scheduled working visit to the 15 MDAs to interact with staff and encourage them to remain professional and diligent. The Minister earlier visited the Builsa South District Assembly, where he interacted with staff and ended the day's visit at the Kassena-Nankana Municipal Assembly. He is expected to proceed to the remaining MDAs in subsequent weeks for similar engagements. Alhaji Dr Salih stressed the need for Local Government Service officials to maintain their professional boundaries as they were barred from partisan politics. He said decision-making processes of staff should be devoid of biases, and must be fair to all manner of persons, as their code of conduct enjoined them to be neutral and to support the government of the day in the implementation of its policies and programmes. 'As staff of the Local Government Service, you are required to adhere to values of neutrality and impartiality in your decision-making processes to avoid biases, and to guarantee fair treatment to all manner of persons,' he said. Alhaji Dr Salih noted that regular attendance and punctuality at work and programmes were fundamental and a hallmark of any serious officer. He reminded staff that official work started at 0800hours and ended at 1700hours and noted that their presence and timeliness to work were vital for the effective administration of the Assembly, as he expressed concern that some staff reported to work at 0900hours and closed before 1700hours. 'I have also observed that some of you work for only three days in a week,' Alhaji Dr Salih added, and urged the staff to desist from such unprofessional acts. Madam Vida Akantagriwen Anaab, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for the Builsa North Assembly, said the Minister's visit created the opportunity for staff of the Assembly to discuss key significant issues of development to promote the well-being of residents. The MCE, who is the Chairperson of the Municipal Security Council (MUSEC), said the Municipality was peaceful and residents went about their daily activities peacefully without any security issues. She said the establishment of the 12-Mechanized Military Base had improved the peace in the Builsa Traditional area, even though the extension of electricity to the Military Barracks was a challenge and called for the Minister's intervention in that regard. Madam Anaab acknowledged receipt of the Assembly's share of the earth-moving equi pment under the District Road Improvement Project (DRIP), and commended President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for the initiative, and the Regional Minister for ensuring that all MDAs received their share. Source: Ghana News Agency

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