Arab Summit: Foreign Minister attends preparatory ministerial meeting

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, on Wednesday, headed the Tunisian delegation to the ministerial preparatory meeting of the 32nd Arab Summit, which will be held on May 19 in Jeddah. Nabil Ammar also attended the ministerial meeting of committee for the follow-up of the commitments made at the Troika and Cabinet Summit. He also participated in the meeting of the ministerial committee in charge of updating, developing and promoting the League of Arab States, according to a Foreign Ministry statement. The Foreign Minister held a number of meetings with many of his Arab counterparts, discussing bilateral relations and ways to strengthen them. They exchanged views on the main issues on the agenda of the preparatory meeting for the summit.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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