ARP: Bouderbala announces distribution of responsibilities within parliament bureau

Speaker of the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP), Brahim Bouderbala, announced, Thursday, in plenary, the distribution of responsibilities within the bureau of the ARP.

The composition of bureau of the parliament is composed, for now, of eight assessors pending the completion of the composition of the assembly once the deputies outside the group present their candidates to the ARP bureau and the various committees.

The candidacies should be presented, at the latest, on Friday before 1 pm.

The ARP bureau is composed of the Speaker, two vice-speakers and 10 assessors.

The latter are as follows:

-Assessor of the Speaker in charge of legislative affairs: Oussama Mahjoub (Integrity and Labour bloc)

-Assessor to the Speaker in charge of relations with the Presidency of the Republic and the Government: Sami Abdelali (Independent Patriotic Bloc)

-Assessor to the Speaker in charge of relations with the constitutional authorities and the judiciary: Badreddine Gamoudi (National Sovereign Line Bloc)

-Assessor to the Speaker in charge of the relationship with the National Council of Regions and Districts: Aymen Boughdiri (For the Victory of the People Bloc)

-Assessor to the Speaker in charge of Foreign Relations, Tunisians Abroad and Migration: Ezzedine Teyeb (Voice of the Republic bloc)

-Assessor to the Speaker in charge of Relations with Citizens and Civil Society: Amine Ouerghi (Voice of the Republic bloc)

-Assessor to the Speaker in charge of Information and Communication: Sirine Mrabet (Bloc des Indépendants)

-Assessor to the Speaker in charge of Public Management: Fadhel Ben Turkia (Independent Patriotic Bloc)

The positions of assessor of the Speaker in charge of major reforms and that of assessor of the Speaker in charge of MPs' affairs are still vacant pending the presentation, on Friday, of the candidates of the non-group MPs.

According to Bouderbala, the meeting of the parliament's bureau is scheduled for Friday afternoon to examine the agenda of the May 23 plenary session dedicated to the election of committees.

At the end of the plenary, which lasted no more than 9 minutes, the ARP president announced the distribution of the quotas of the non-permanent committees:

General Legislation Committee: 4 seats

Finance and Budget Committee: 4 seats

Committee on Rights and Freedoms: 4 seats

Committee on External Relations, International Cooperation, Tunisians Abroad and Migration: 2 seats

Committee on Agriculture, Food Security and Fisheries: 1 seat

Committee on Industry, Trade, Energy and the Environment: 2 seats

Committee on Tourism, Culture, Services and Crafts: 3 seats

Committee on Health and Women's and Family Affairs: 2 seats

Committee on Education, Vocational Training and Scientific Research: 1 seat

Committee on the organisation of the administration, digitalisation, governance and the fight against corruption: 4 seats

Committee on Defence, Security and Armed Forces:4 seats

Committee on Rules of Procedure, Electoral Laws and Parliamentary Acts: 4 seats

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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