Climate: Tunisia records 60% rainfall deficit in January 2024

The average rainfall in Tunisia was 60% lower in January 2024 compared to the normal for the month with significant regional disparities. The rainfall balance for January 2024, calculated by 27 main stations, was 451.8 mm, while the normal for the same stations reached 1122.8 mm, which represents 40.2% of the normal for the month, said, Thursday, the National Institute of Meteorology, in its monthly Climate Report. Precipitation was absent in the southern regions and very weak in the rest of the country except in the Tabarka station. During January 5 to 9, precipitation was heavy in the northwestern regions, especially in Tabarka where the monthly cumulative amount reached 181.4 mm while the normal is 148.1 mm. //January 2024, 1st warmest month of January since 1950// January 2024 is ranked the 1st warmest January since 1950. January 2024 was warmer than normal with a difference of +2.3°C compared to normal (1991-2020) . This is the 1st month of January when the average monthly temperature in Tunisia is t he highest. Average temperatures varied between 9.6°C in Thala and 15.6°C in Médenine. As for the general average temperatures (27 main stations), they reached 13.5°C, higher than the reference average (11.3°C) by +2.3°C. Maximum and minimum temperatures were above normal in January except for the period between the 5th and 9th. From January 5th to 9th temperatures were below normal. Average maximum temperatures varied between 13.5°C in Thala and 20.5°C in Kairouan. They were above the reference averages in all regions. As for the national average maximum temperatures (27 main stations), they reached 18.5°C, higher than the reference average for the same stations (16.1°C) with a difference of +2.4°C. Minimum temperatures varied from 4.8°C in Kébili to 11.7°C in Djerba. As for the general average minimum temperatures, they reached 8.5°C, exceeding the reference average (6.4°C) with a difference of +2.1°C. // Strong winds during the second half of January// Concerning the winds, they were generally weak t o moderate and their speed increased during the days of January 5, 6 and 7, 2024 in most regions and the maximum speed varied from 60 km/h in Gabès city to 101 km/h in Bizerte and the maximum reached 112 km/h in Kasserine and 115 km/h in Tabarka. An increase in wind speed was recorded from January 15 to 18, over most regions, with a maximum speed ranging from 60 km/h in Tunis Carthage to 83 km/h in Tataouine. The winds blew equally strongly during the period from January 23 to 27, 2024 in the northern and central regions, and their maximum speed varied from 60 km/h in Bizerte to 90 km/h in Kasserine and the maximum reached 104 km/h at Ain Draham in Jendouba. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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