Inscription of Sidi Bou Said on UNESCO World Heritage List under considerationNCCE calls on students to work towards being better future leaders

The possibility of inscribing the village of Sidi Bou Said, universally renowned for its heritage, history and architecture, on the UNESCO World Heritage List was the focus of a working session chaired on Friday by Cultural Affairs Minister Hayet Guettat Guermazi, in the presence of Head of the Cultural Programme at the UNESCO Cluster Office for the Maghreb Karim Hendili. During the meeting, which was attended by representatives of the various stakeholders - the Ministries of Agriculture, the Environment and Public Works - as well as the Governorate and Municipality of Tunis, the minister underlined the need to join forces and embrace this collective national duty with a view to preserving this village, where the hill has been exposed for years to the risks of erosion and landslides that could affect neighbouring areas, notably the Ennejma Ezzahra Palace, home to the Centre of Arab and Mediterranean Music (CMAM). Sidi Bou Said boasts all the assets required to be preserved and developed from every point of view, which is why it is so important to prepare a technical file for submission to UNESCO as soon as possible, she added. Founded by the Phoenicians, Carthage-Sidi Bou Said is an extensive archaeological site located on a hill overlooking the Gulf of Tunis and the surrounding plain. Sidi Bou Said is part of the site of Carthage, classified as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1979. However, UNESCO's instructions have been overridden by the urban development that has taken place from Sidi Bou Saïd to La Malga and Salammbô. Sidi Bou Said is a major tourist attraction, one of the most visited sites in the Mediterranean, welcoming up to 100,000 visitors a day at weekends and during the summer months. The economic activity of Sidi Bou Said is mainly based on tourism, with artisans earning their living from small trades. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), has charged students of the Zanlerigu Junior High School in the Nabdam District of the Upper East Region to study hard to become successful people in future. Madam Monica Mamattah, the Director of Finance at the NCCE said the ascertion that children are the future leaders of the country comes with a responsibility that required of them to work hard to attain the requisite human capital that would enable them to manage the affairs of the country when the baton of leadership is handed over to them. 'As students, you are here to acquire knowledge and must foremost take your academic activities very seriously because your future and the future of this country hinged on you, and that is the more reason you should be serious about adding value to yourselves.' The Director of Finance made the remarks when she addressed the students on violent extremism, as part of the Prevention and Containing Violent Extremism (PCVE) Project being implemented by the NCCE with f unding support from the European Union (EU). The PCVE project is being implemented in eight border regions of the country, including the Upper East, Upper West, North East, Northern, Savannah, Bono, Bono East, and the Oti regions. It is aimed at creating awareness about violent extremism and facilitating activities to engender security consciousness, social inclusiveness, community cohesion, and situational awareness among the citizenry. Mr Joachim Elbazar, the Nabdam District Director of the NCCE, noted that peace was essential to the development of every country, and as students, they must do well to maintain the peace the country was enjoying by avoiding acts of violence. He urged the students to inculcate in themselves the habit of 'saying something when they see something' suspicious in their respective communities by reporting such suspicious characters to the security agencies and opinion leaders. Mr Elbazar added that the Commission's quest to engage citizens on the threat of violent extremism to prevent the invasion of extremists in Ghana would only be a success when young people joined hands by saying no to violence and called on them to be peace advocates. Source: Ghana News Agency

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