JAP – Hammamet-2023 (tennis): Mauritian Bancilhon, a grandmother, wins women’s doubles at age of 56

The oldest participant in the beach tennis tournament at the 2nd African Beach Games, held from June 23 to 30 in Hammamet, Mauritian Francoise Bancilhon, said she was delighted to win the women's doubles title with her team-mate, six years her junior. "Age is just a number," Bancilhon (56) told TAP news agency, adding that the gold medal she won with her team-mate Catherine Aleaume (52) meant a lot to them, given the age difference between them and their opponents, and was particularly significant, as they are both grandmothers. Bancilhon praised the excellent organisation of the African Beach Games and expressed her admiration for the beauty of the country and its nature. The women's doubles tournament took the form of a mini-championship involving five countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Kenya and Mauritius. The Mauritian pair won the gold medal ahead of Algeria (silver) and Kenya (bronze). Morocco finished fourth, while Tunisia, represented by their youngest players, Sarra Louati and Manel Ludhabachi (16), finished fifth. Mauritius finished 8th with 4 medals (1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique

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