State budget drafts must be submitted by June 15, 2023 (Circular)

The Prime Ministry called on all ministries to prepare draft state budgets and performance budgets for the 2024 financial year and to submit them to the Ministry of Finance by June 15, 2023, at the latest. The Prime Ministry added, in a circular on the preparation of the draft 2024 State budget sent on Friday to ministers, secretaries of state, heads of structures, governors and heads of programmes, that these deadlines will enable budget administrators to begin budget discussion sessions. The Prime Ministry pointed out that these projects would have to be aligned with the priorities of the government's strategic vision for 2022. These include achieving overall sustainable economic growth, improving the business climate and accelerating the pace of economic reforms in order to help control the budget deficit and implement the necessary tax reforms. It added that the budgets should promote improvements in public sector governance, the adoption of a development model geared towards the green economy, the development of the economy's resilience in the face of crises, and the introduction of measures to boost the blue economy.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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