Textile and clothing SMEs: Call for applications for support from GTEX/MENATEX programme

The Global Textile and Clothing Programme (GTEX-Tunisia) has just launched a call for applications for the selection of SMEs in the Textile and Clothing sector in Tunisia, which will enjoy exclusive support from the GTEX/MENATEX II programme (2024-2027). To be selected, small and medium-sized enterprises should meet the following criteria, i.e. be -An industrial company based in Tunisia and employing fewer than 500 people; -Exporting or ready to export to international markets; -Committed to sustainable development. Companies can submit their applications online via the link below: https://surveys.intracen.org/.../G2tIYnNeTwUCZlJxXlV4S0d5cHY According to the programme, this is an opportunity for companies to grow globally while contributing to a more sustainable future. The deadline for companies to apply is March 24, 2024. The GTEX/MENATEX-Tunisia project is the result of a partnership between the Tunisian Government, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Swedish Internation al Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), as donors, which have provided the funds needed to implement the project, and the UN International Trade Centre (ITC) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO), as the agency in charge of implementing the project. The Global Programme for Textiles and Clothing (GTEX/MENATEX) in Tunisia aims to step up export competitiveness in the textile and clothing industry. The envisaged impact of the project is to increase employment and income along the Textile and Clothing (T and C) value chain in the country. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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