Tunindex closes Thursday’s session in red territory

The stock market saw a (-0.4%) decline during Thursday's session, closing at 8386.7 points. Since the beginning of the year, the Tunindex accumulated an underperformance of -4.2%. Trading activity was subdued during the session, totalling TND 2.3 million, as reported by broker Tunisie Valeurs. Tuninvest took the lead in gains, with its shares showing a notable increase. In a meagre volume of a thousand dinars, the SICAR's stock appreciated by 4.5% to reach TND 9.820. SOTUMAG demonstrated a strong performance in the session. The shares of the wholesale market manager in Bir El Kassaa recorded a rise of 3.1% to TND 5.250. The public company recently issued a statement announcing the appointment of Sofiene Tarmiz as the new Chief Executive Officer of SOTUMAG. BIAT rebounded during the session, recovering all the lost ground from the previous day's trading. The stock of the leading player in the banking sector increased by 1%, to TND 90. Being the most sought-after stock of the session, BIAT mobilised capital of TND 426,000. Delice Holding found itself at the bottom of the Tunindex. The shares of the national champion in dairy products declined by 4.6% to TND 10.500. Trading on the stock was modest, amounting to TND 80,000. DH started the year on a sour note, losing 6% of its value in the stock market in January 2024. The decline continues for TELNET's stock; the shares of the specialist in engineering and technology consulting bent by 3% to TND 5.800. The value accumulated trades worth TND 88,000 during the session. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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